Have you asked yourself this recently? Maybe someone else asked you?

This is actually an email newsletter that went out last year but it’s still a question I hear from voice actors, so I thought it may be helpful and encouraging to revisit it.

Let me first break down some of the thoughts I’ve heard that lead to this question. 

THOUGHT: There’s so much competition now and there’s a million of “me” out there.

THOUGHT: It seems I have to work harder now and spend more time to get the same results as before.

THOUGHT: Have I hit the plateau of my career and now there’s only a decline?

THOUGHT: With AI, the future seems uncertain. If there is less opportunity, should I be spending time focusing on another career?

Have any of these thoughts come up for you? 

Mike and I had an interesting call with someone recently. He was frustrated at the industry. He kept repeating over and over, “Is it even worth pursuing VO anymore?”

Here are my thoughts in response – 

1|The more competition, the more motivation. 

Yes, there is a lot of competition. But competition, while it may not feel great, it can be very good for us! 

This article from Fast Company describes exactly how beneficial competition can be for us. 

Competition can increase motivation, improve productivity and performance, and provide accountability and validation.

2| With millions of “me,” there’s more pressure for me to dig deep into what sets me apart.

One of the greatest tools you have in the success of your VO business is knowing exactly what unique value YOU bring to the table. Having more competition like “you” helps you figure out what sets you apart from that competition. 

This may not come to you right away, but it will if you keep moving forward. 

3| I need to work smarter, not harder.

My resources (timeenergy) are stretched thin. When there’s no more margin to “work harder,” it means I must “work smarter.” This is why for the past several years, I’ve been focused on finding AI/Synthetic Voice companies that are ethical and create passive income for voice talent. I now have a synthetic voice with two of them and I also created a synthetic voice page on my website: https://www.heidirew.com/ai-synthetic-voice/ . This way, I control my AI/synthetic voice. I don’t offer it for commercials but for longer form content, I do. 

Being your own business means evaluating your time, finances and efforts and how to be more efficient in all of those.

4| In a freelance career like voice over, we can always pivot within the industry.

So, you’re in a booking slump? Maybe your agent closed? There are so many different genres and ways of getting jobs in this industry. 

I recently talked with Kay Bess. She told me about a career slump in booking commercials. Commercials were her bread and butter for years! When that happened, she started training in animation and video games. That led her to a successful career in totally different genres. 

Maybe it’s focusing on a different genre or offering services within the industry, like through VAs for VOs (Virtual Assistants for VOs). 

5| The FUTURE with or without AI is uncertain.

When things are going great, the future seems promising and sure. But the reality is we never truly know what the future brings.  

No matter what industry you’re in, it will be affected by AI. No matter what industry you’re in, it will change at some point. Focus on leaning in, learning what we can, looking for ways to bring value, and being flexible in the midst of change. 


I haven’t just asked these questions about myself but also about Atlanta Voiceover Studio. Our goal has always been to give you the resources you need to create the career you want. If there’s no future in voice over, what’s the point in Atlanta Voiceover Studio? That’s why not only am I leaning into innovating my own career but we, as a studio, are focusing on fostering relationships with other studios, agents and casting directors in order to bring opportunities to you!

Whatever changes come, we are here as a resource to you and strive to elevate the industry as a whole so we all achieve great careers.


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