Tour of Dialects Workshop

What We Offer

All group classes require completion of our Intro to Voiceover workshop, or equivalent somewhere else.
If you would like to attend an in-person class virtually, please click VIRTUAL PRESENCE in the sign-up form.

Tour of Dialects Workshop


2:30pm-5:30pm EST | Date TBD | $285 | Virtual

Instructor: Tom Antonellis

Tom Antonellis, actor, voiceover artist and dialect coach (CHIP N DALE RESCUE RANGERS, WINNING TIME, CRIME BOSS: ROCKAY CITY, JOE VS CAROLE) brings his Tour of Dialectsâ„¢ —  a fun, interactive workshop diving into dialects in the VO space.  



A Q&A on dialect work

Learn how it is still relevant in an authentic casting landscape

The benefits of dialect study 

You will receive actual dialect coaching focusing on drilling a variety of dialects and their features.



This workshop is perfect for the actor / VO artist who is:

– daunted by dialects

– the actor who’s a great mimic but simply isn’t sure they’re accurate

– the actor whose everyday speaking voice features accent features or regionalisms they would like to better control

– the actor who’s yet to dip their toe into this area of character work.



for SAG members, SAG-Eligible folks, and FI-CORE attendees

Receive a follow-up 30-minute one-on-one virtual dialect coaching session with Tom.

Session must be taken before April 30, 2025


If you would like to sign up for the course within 24 hours of the first meeting, email


Tom brings decades of teaching in the arts and a methodical approach to his clients. With work in productions like Ted & Joe vs Carole, Tom can step in and guide his clients to accuracy — respecting their skills and learning speeds and with respect for the communities the actor would be representing by performing in a dialect.

As an actor & award-winning voice actor, Tom Antonellis does everything: from voicematching for Avengers: Endgame to commercials for the Boston Celtics to video games like The Walking Dead: Match 3 Tales, and more including yes — even singing.

* All Atlanta Voiceover Studio seminars, workshops and classes are for educational purposes only and will not secure or provide
opportunity for employment in the voiceover field or representation by an agent.


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Atlanta Voiceover Studio