I just listened to a GREAT podcast on networking that reinforced how I’ve always thought of it. If you love podcasts, check out WORK LIFE with Adam Grant. He goes into some great specifics. I know you’re busy so I won’t list all of what he talked about but I will share something that I’ve always tried to ascribe to:

Every conversation, every interaction, just think about what you can give to that person. Find some common ground that’s not about voiceover.

I’ll never forget meeting a very talented VO talent at VO Atlanta one year, because we exchanged hair product recommendations! Last year, Jennifer (the Disney casting director we’ve had here) thanked me for making her feel so welcome from the moment we met. We talked 0% about VO. I’m not saying that you can’t talk about voiceover but think about making connections with the WHOLE person. This is especially helpful if you’re just starting out.

You may feel like, “What CAN I give?” There’s A LOT you can give but the way you uncover that is by pursuing authentic, human relationships. 
^^^THAT’S what networking is about! ^^^

Hope you have a great week & we’re able to see you this weekend! If you see Gerald Griffith, tell him thank you for organizing a weekend so helpful to the VO community. 

-Mike Stoudt & Heidi Rew

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