Atlanta Voiceover Studio has moved!
Last weekend, we had to move all our stuff…all the way ACROSS THE HALL! Rough, right?! Actually, it was a little challenging deconstructing the studio then putting it back together. Thankfully, we have some awesome friends – Terrence & Matt. They really came through with some muscle and engineering insight, cus I’m no help in those departments. 🙂
Our previous space was great, but it was pretty small. We needed a space we could use for workshops, so we just moved to an office across the hall from us.
It’s still not huge, but we want to keep our workshops and group classes small, so it will work.
Without further adieu, here’s a little tour of our new digs…
We’re really excited to have this new space to host more learning opportunities for you!
Stay tuned for more news and tips.
Heidi Rew