I recently took an animation workshop via Mary Lynn Wissner with Richard Horvitz. It was wonderful! He had a lot of great insight but there was one tip that changed EVERYONE’S read…

What was the ONE TIP that changed everyone’s read? 

It was answering THIS question: 


“I” – meaning the character. Truthfully, I THOUGHT I knew this but when I gave Richard my “want,” I went WAY too deep. I said my character didn’t want to be alone. 

Richard said, “You want Oscar.” Oscar was the love interest and there literally was a line that said she wanted him. 

I realized, in my day to day life, I don’t walk around conscious of what deep thing I want. I just simply want to get this checked off my list, or I want to finish cooking this meal so we can eat. 

Listening to everyone’s reads, it’s incredible how grounded and real it became once they found what they wanted. 

Richard also said most of the time, this is based on a line from the script. 

If you’re taking the Animation workshop this Saturday, try this with your reads! 

Thanks so much Mary Lynn & Richard for such a great workshop!


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