I LOVE the end of the year. It’s a time I take to slow down and reflect on the past year. Goal setting as a freelance voice actor is imperative for growing and increasing your income BUT you have to have clarity before you do that. That’s why I take time to evaluate the year past first. These are 5 questions I ask in order to evaluate my past year. 
1| What are my proudest accomplishments? 
    This could be something I learned, a breakthrough, a goal client, a financial goal, etc. Reflecting on this helps me see how I can create more of those OR what “lights” me up which helps me set better priorities. 

2| What are the things I wanted to accomplish this past year but didn’t? 
    Then I ask myself if those things are still even goals. 

3| Are there any tasks I can delegate or aren’t as important? 
    This is going to be a big one this year. I ran REALLY low on time this past summer moving into our new studio space. Not only that but our studio is growing. However, I still have my own VO career (plus The Heidi Rew Show Podcast & on-camera work). We don’t take a paycheck from Atlanta VO Studio, so my income is strictly from my own stuff. I am busier than ever but need to be able to devote time to Atlanta VO Studio as well. Next year, I have a wonderful paid intern that will be helping me and I plan on finally handing over all my book-keeping. It doesn’t have to be a major delegation either. It could be as simple as getting your teenage son/daughter to help you address client thank yous. 

4| What areas can I create systems to ease my workload? 
    Are there any ways to automate what you do? Can you sign up for Planoly to schedule your Instagram and FB posts? Create email templates to save time responding? 

5| What are the opportunities for growth MENTALLY, SPIRITUALLY, PHYSICALLY and RELATIONALLY? 
    I know 100% balance is probably an impossible achievement but I really strive to do something for my mental, spiritual, physical and relational well-being every day. 

Hope these help! I have an AWESOME podcast guest coming on my show (The Heidi Rew Show) December 29th that has created a planner specifically to help meet goals. Her name is Megan Hyatt and she’s the COO of her father, Michael Hyatt’s company. He’s an incredible leadership and business expert. Take some time to ask these questions first, so you can be ready to create goals that will help you move forward. 

-Mike & Heidi

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